Anglican Men’s Society
The aims of the Anglican Men’s ‘ Society in Australia are:-
“To encourage and support men to seek out and live out the Christian Faith in the home, in the Church, at work and at leisure. By worship to deepen the sense of the presence of God, and by study, training and exchange of experiences to strengthen the resolve of men to live out their vocation as servants of God at all times and in all places.”
The Men’s Society at Christ Church is the only branch of the Anglican Men’s Society in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn. Bishop Stuart Robinson is the Episcopal Patron of their branch.
The Men’s Society is a fellowship of laity and clergy which meets monthly. Its programme includes breakfasts, dinners, guest speakers, indoor bowls and movie nights, among other activities. The men also organise combined events with the women and help raise funds for ministry in the parish and in the broader church.